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Iranian tourism increased embargo

Posted by Tamer on September 5, 2019
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Iranian tourism increased embargo

To know more about Iranian tourism, we recommend that you read the article

The Ministry of Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Crafts and Tourism of Iran announced that 7.8 million visited Iran last year. The number of foreign tourists increased by 52% in 2017.
Despite the US embargo on Iran, the number of foreign visitors is increasing.

Last year, 7.8 million foreign tourists visited Iran. This is 52 months more than the same period last year. In 2017, the number of tourists increased by more than 50 percent. ”

It is alleged that the number of tourists in Iran is increasing.

Since 2017, Iran has been applying visa exemption for Russians.

The tourism and tourism sector in Iran grew by 1.9 percent in 2018 and reached 1,151 trillion riyals ($ 8.83 billion).

The number of foreign tourists visiting the country increased by 40 percent in the first year of last year, exceeding 2 million this year.

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WHAT President Ali Asgar Munesan, the goal of Chinese citizens as the goal of visa abolition, said that 52 thousand visitors this year, they seek to receive 2 million tourists from China per year, he said.

Iran provides visa facilitation to other countries in this context. The Iranian passport of Iran with the Iranian seal on the passport does not cause problems for the president of WHAT Ali Asgar Munesan. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that simplification of visa procedures will allow many residents to travel around the world, and many countries visit Iran.

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